Scot McKnight is starting a new series on the New Perspective on Paul. In 2007, John Piper wrote a book critiquing N.T. Wright's view of justification, and Wright's response will be published in America later this month (it was published earlier this year in the UK). McKnight will be going through Wright's new book, but he started the series with a brief summary of the New Perspective. He highlights the major contributors--E.P. Sanders, James Dunn, and N.T. Wright.
I am about halfway through Piper's critique of Wright. I thought I would read it before reading Wright's new book. I have been taking notes, and I am considering doing a series on how I would respond to Piper.
Redemption Before Christ
The latest installment of an ongoing interview series with contributing
editor Mark Bauerlein. Gerald R. McDermott joins in to discuss his recent
book, *...
1 month ago
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