Over at the Conservative Reformed Mafia, Nate Gilmour posted some philosophical category mistakes made by proponents of Evolution and Intelligent Design. If you like philosophy and/or you care about this discussion, Nate's thoughts are very helpful.
Essentially he says to the evolutionists, the question is not "What is good science?" but "How do we know what we know?" He says to ID supporters, stop using the arguments, "Evolution requires faith" and "Evolution is just a theory"; these are category mistakes.
Redemption Before Christ
The latest installment of an ongoing interview series with contributing
editor Mark Bauerlein. Gerald R. McDermott joins in to discuss his recent
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1 month ago
thanks for the tip on the article. of what I understood, it was helpful.
Thanks for the link! Hope you enjoy what's left of your Memorial Day weekend. God bless.
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